This hybrid is a cross between Slurricane and TMAC originally bred by Mother Labs and grown by JBuds in Summerland, B.C..
Strain tested using an Arizer Air 2 dry herb vape, and rolled joint.

When opening the jar you are immediately hit with a strong lemon aroma, followed by a sweetness. The flavor is very similar in the vape. It's a very pleasant experience to all our senses. At just over 3% terps it lingers for quite some time. Bright and dark green colors make this a fantastic vibrant strain to look at.
Flower quality is moist. There is nothing dry about this whatsoever. The nug size is perfect and they are absolutely coated in trichomes.
The packaging we found to be a little too big. We love the glass jar but found there is still too much room and feel it should be a little smaller to accommodate.

Value: We're getting more into the premium category at $41 from our shop which, honestly is completely acceptable for something of this caliber. We would purchase this again for sure.
Overall: Extremely pleased with this. Pistol & Paris and JBuds are new on the legal market having just transferred from Legacy, and their experience really comes through. We've had other strains from both of these BC LP's and this may be the best one they've produced yet.
19 out of 20 and comes with a huge recommendation from us.
We are looking forward to a bright future from both of these amazing growers.